"The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium isn't Smarter ...It's Dumber"

Monday, May 13, 2013

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     This blog is dedicated to eliminating and preventing of the revolution of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. This blog will talk about the negatives of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and why it should NEVER become a recommended test.

Why the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Sucks and Is Bad and Dumb and So On...
1. You can't skip on to another question after a question that you do not have the answer to (if you can, you
     can finish more faster).
2. This test is taken on the computer (hurts your eyes!).
3. Some information are jumbled up onto a side of the test (very hard to go over the information!).
4. Sometimes you need to drag in answers (very annoying!).
5. Sometimes deleting answers is very hard (extremely annoying!).
6. Lots of answers are NOT multiple choice bubble in (stupendously annoying!) (we are more comfortable
    with the old bubble in answers!) (Good old bubble in).
7. The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium takes about 1-4 times the length of taking a
    "old-fashioned" test (Good "old-fashioned" test").

Words to Describe the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
1. Disgraceful 2. Outrageous 3. Bad 4. Very Bad 5. Dumb 6. Very Dumb 7. Birdbrain 8. Boneheaded
9. Dopey 10. Dorky 11. Dull 12. Empty-headed 13. Knuckle-headed 14. Lamebrain 15. Pin-headed
16. Unsmart 17. Disgusting   

     Convinced that the Smarter (we call it "Dumber") Balanced (you can call it "Unbalanced") Assessment Consortium should die/ be killed/ be destroyed/be eliminated/etc.? Then spread the word out! Kill the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium! Eliminate the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium! Destroy the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium! Delete the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium! Shoot down the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium! Join the fight against the revolution of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium!!!